Thursday, July 25, 2013

Hi Everyone,
      We spent a beautiful day exploring a hot springs area just outside of Jackson today.  It was amazing.  There was a natural spring area that was contained and constructed into a pool! The temperature was around 90 degrees and it felt like bathwater.... It was hard to describe the experience to be sitting in a natural spring fed pool surrounded by glorious landscape on all sides! We didn't spend too much time in the water since it quickly would raise your body temperature when combined with the air temp in the high 80's.  We both could feel the effects of the heat, elevation and the air temp and developed some minor symptoms such as dizziness and it makes you realize quickly how sensitive your body can be to such conditions.  We concluded that we would have to make sure to come back when the air is cooler and the contrasting water temp would be more beneficial...
       It was a 10 mile trip into the Granite Springs area over a dirt road but worth the drive.  The habitat was gorgeous and would certainly support wildlife viewing during the right time of day.  There would also be great hiking, birding (hummingbirds right at the spring!) and fishing in this area so it going to be explored more in the future.
       On our way back home we noticed something on the side of the road; it was a big horned sheep!  She was grazing alongside the road and Eileen and I could tell she was a nursing mother.  We were hoping to see the babies but they were safely hidden somewhere in the bush.  As we stopped at the next turnout we realized that she was too close to the busy road and we tried to flag drivers to get them to slow down.  Thankfully, people could see her ahead of them and eventually she crossed safely and went down to the river ;WHEW!
Pictures to follow in the AM....


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