Friday, July 5, 2013

Trip to Illinois to visit my brother and family

Hello Everyone,
We left early this morning from Indiana with the wheat fields aglow with morning fog and mist  and made our way through to Illinois.  It was uneventful although you certainly had to pay attention going around Chicago.  Once we arrived at my brother's house we started the process of putting the camper into the driveway.  It took a lot of finesse and several attempts  due to the narrow streets but we finally managed it.  My brother got out of work early so Bob, Cam and Ron and I had a chance to visit. It was such a beautiful day that we walked to their community lake an took a swim and spent time on the beach.  It was the most relaxed we've been in days!! We swam under the docks and their were birds (swallows) nesting underneath with babies in them! We swam a few feet from them!  My niece Meg and her husband Chris (that's his Harley in the driveway) came over for dinner and we had a great time...It's about that time to relax and unwind and settle in after a long day....

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