Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The guys are back!

Hello Everyone,
Well, the guys are back!  Time for hot showers, laundry and real food!We spent Monday afternoon and evening playing catch up and sharing stories of our past week.  Eileen and I planned a home cooked meal after their week of packaged food which everyone seem to enjoy....They had a great time and caught lots of fish!  Doug was so excited to tell us his impressions of his first time backpacking out in the wilderness.  He certainly seemed to enjoy the experience.  He did, however, compliment Dave and Ron on how well they managed their 50 lb backpacks!  After having done it himself he realized what good shape they were in!  Thankfully, no one got seriously hurt except Dave slipped on a rock and scraped up his shin; almost the exact spot Eileen hurt her leg!! We shared our mishaps during our trail hike and showed off Eileen’s new cowboy boots!  It was really good to see them again and enjoy spending time together...
We went out for an evening drive to see if we could find the Great Grey owl again and to try to find the large, bull, moose we saw for the guys to see for themselves (Doug hasn’t seen one yet). Unfortunately, they weren’t out, but the sunset by the Tetons was quite beautiful.  We stopped at a spot that described the Teton glacier (in the photo of the sunset) which is the largest glacier in the Teton range....
The next morning (Tuesday) was spent at the urgent care to try to problem solve with my continuing health issues.   They actually sent me to the ER after conferring with them, to rule out anything more serious.  They put me through tests (cardiac calcium MRI) that clearly showed that my heart is very healthy; thank goodness!!  Therefore, the issues remain with my sensitivity to allergens in this area that have compromised my respiratory system.  The treatment remains the same as before and to do activity as tolerated and get this; stop talking while I’m walking!! Can you imagine that; me being quiet!  No, seriously, it’s a relief that the diagnoses is only allergy related.  I will reduce my activity and reduce the amount of time spent in higher altitude.  The doctors and health care facilities here are top notch! What they were able to accomplish in a few hours would have taken Albany days to get done.
We took a drive to Granite Creek because the guys hadn’t seen the new hummingbirds (calliope, the broad tailed and the rufous) and they were there to be admired and are now new life birds for Dave and Ron.  Eileen, Dave and Doug went fishing and then Ron also decided to fish while I rested stream side. It turned into a beautiful evening.  It turned out that the area Ron wanted to fish in was private land and the owner met us on the road and gave us permission to fish and even gave us a tip about another spot up the road to fish.  He’s an owner of a business that has 200 sled dogs!  People are really very nice around here...
Ron, Dave and Eileen and Doug went out for dinner and I came home to rest and shower and relax before a new day begins tomorrow....
Pictures to follow...

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